Florida Huckabee for President
Headquarters contact: 407-438-9134

Monday, October 29, 2007

Floridians Love Mike Huckabee

Every day I am getting emails at Florida for Huckabee from people throughout the great state of Florida. They want to know what is going on and how they can help support Mike Huckabee.

Here are just a few comments I have received:

“I have been a conservative all my voting life and Mike has the distinction of being the first politician I have ever given money to!”

“I think that I have at least 6 other people that want to form a committee in the area.”

“My husband and I were both registered democrats until a couple of weeks ago, we changed our party so that can vote for Mike! Willing and eager to help!”

“I would like to get as involved as possible in Mike's campaign here in Florida. We really believe in his candidacy and want him to win the Sunshine State in his bid for the presidency.”

“I believe that Mike Huckabee is the candidate for conservatives. Add my name to your volunteer list.”

Now it’s your turn to join the grassroots effort to help Gov. Mike Huckabee in Florida. Just email Florida for Huckabee and we’ll keep you in the loop.

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