Florida Huckabee for President
Headquarters contact: 407-438-9134

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Huckabee Confirms for Miami Spanish-language Debate Dec. 9

From the Miami Herald:

Tom Tancredo, the Colorado politician who once compared Miami to ''a Third World country,'' is the only Republican presidential candidate who will be absent from the UnivisiĆ³n Spanish-language debate in Coral Gables next month.

It's not likely many Floridians will miss the Colorado congressman, though. He's polling in the single digits -- 1 percent -- and admits his chances of becoming the party nominee are ``a long shot.''

Low poll numbers aren't stopping other lesser-knowns, such as Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter, who followed Arizona Sen. John McCain in September in announcing they would participate in the debate. That led to a domino effect that prompted all the other top-tier candidates to agree to the debate. The other holdout, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, announced Tuesday he will be there.

The debate, to be carried live nationwide by UnivisiĆ³n, will be held Dec. 9 at the University of Miami.

Full story…

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